Club 2022 Trail Bingo!
Fred Zelt is executing an apparently highly successful “22 in ’22 Guided Trail Rides” for Venture Outdoors, since they are mostly sold out. He is leading short weekly rides, and is also providing info on the geology and history of the region.
We are a riding club, so let’s shamelessly copy his success. Though we will focus on riding. Read more HERE.
President Jim expects to post a Panhandle Trail ride on Saturday May 28, once he sees when we can avoid the rain.
Weekly Rides
We have a good complement of weekly rides this year. Some are club rides. Some are 3rd party rides that welcome club riders.
- Monday – Women@Work MAD Monday Weekly Ride
- Tuesday – Team Decaf – Rides out of Pittsburgh’s East End. Publishes route in advance. Breaks into several groups.
- Tuesday – Cecil Ride – Is for fast and experienced club riders that like hills. Routes are published in advance.
- Thursday – Sweetwater Bikes Thursday Road Rides
- Sunday – Trek of Robinson Shop Ride
June Highlights
What is on our calendar:
- Saturday May 29 – Once President Jim sees when the rain is actually arriving, he will post a Panhandle Trail ride to check on the Club 2022 Trail Bingo Card off there-and-back on this trail.
- Monday May 31st – 15th Wheeling Heritage Trail Bicycle Tour. President Jim is going. This is a 3rd party event you have to sign up for in advance.
- June 4-5 – Bike MS: Escape To the Lake 2022 – The classic Pittsburgh fundraiser. No matter it’s branding, people will always call it the MS150. This is a third party event you have to sign up for in advance and fund raise for. Any club members going?
- Saturday June 18 – Pittsburgh Spring 400 km – Who doesn’t love spending 20+ hours on their bike?
- Otherwise, expect President Jim to post long trail rides on our new club 2022 Trail Ride Bingo card.
- Otherwise, watch the calendar and Facebook for rides. People generally don’t post until close to the weekend. Especially in this turbulent weather year.
Website Update
Our crack FIVERR team was so close to have an automatically generated sign-up & waiver sheet. Then ride leader submissions crashed. Perhaps they didn’t take into account that their changes has to survive WordPress plug-in updates. Anyways, they were close, but at this point they have backed their code out. I am waiting to herar from them again. For now we are on mostly paper waivers (except for Team Decaf, which has their own system). As a reminder of our waiver policies, read HERE. If you are a paid member, you have already signed a waiver for 2022. Please do collect waivers from non-members.
Ride with Us!
Western Pennsylvania Bicycle Club (Wheelmen)
[email protected]
See our ride calendar HERE
Contact the club HERE
Join the club HERE