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Note that this is the nominal “end of 2022” membership meeting to elect 2023 leadership as well any other business of the club membership.

President Jim called to order the Annual Membership Meeting of the Western PA Bicycle Club (legal name Western Pennsylvania Wheelmen, Ltd.) at 5:02 PM on Sunday September 26 via Zoom. President Jim is also Acting Secretary for the meeting. Attending the meeting were: Aldo Gaburri, Jim Logan, Robin Woods, Curt Vazquez, Roger Hartung, and Sarah Quesen.

In preliminary remarks, President Jim apologized for the website being down, stating he was “out riding his bicycle all afternoon“. When he realized the meeting announcement (with Zoom link) was missing, he emailed same out to the membership. He also thanks way-past-president Curt Vazquez to join the meeting, and de facto represent all of membership.

Several bylaw considerations:

  • Our bylaws define a quorum for our membership meeting to who-ever participates, to deal with the reality of declining participation.
  • Our bylaws stipulate terms of officers and board members are two years, set when it was possible to still recruit for positions, so it didn’t have to happen so often. In the current environment, we find it prudent to hold elections yearly, to confirm ongoing participation.

The board acted as the nominating committee. In the first round of nominations in the fall, we received no new nominations. The current leadership agreed to continue for another year, with the exception that Dave Kasparek, while willing to remain on the board, did not want to continue as Secretary.

The slate put forward by the nominating committee:

  • President Jim Logan
  • Vice President Sarah Quesen
  • Treasurer Aldo Gaburri
  • Secretary Open
  • Board Member Dave Kasparek
  • Board Member Dave Bialoski
  • Board Member Robin Woods
  • Board Member Roger Hartung

Before nominations closed in the meeting, Robin Woods nominated Meghan Sullivan, with this statement: “I met Meghan when she joined W@W in the Spring 2022. She is a native Pittsburgher who rides with Pgh Babes on Bikes, PMTCC and WPaBC’s Team Decaf Tuesday ride. Meghan is on the Unison Bike Lab team also does various types of riding e.g. inner city, gravel and charity rides and on her gravel bike. She is the owner of the posh KLVN Coffee shop located at 6600 Hamilton Ave. Pgh. PA. 15206 1st Fl. She credits riding with Women At Work for “getting her comfortable out there”.

The membership voted to accept the nomination, pending confirmation that Meghan is an active member (the website was down), and that she attends the next board meeting.

All the members in attendance voted by acclamation on the slate (including Meghan).

President Jim called for any other business from the membership There being none, he adjourned the meeting at 5:06 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Jim Logan, Acting Secretary

Ride with Us!
Western Pennsylvania Bicycle Club (Wheelmen)
[email protected]
See our ride calendar HERE
Contact the club HERE
Join the club HERE



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