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Cheri Williams
Trek of Robinson is hosting a memorial ride for Cheri Williams today (Sunday October 30).

Trek of Robinson is hosting a memorial ride for Cheri Williams today (Sunday October 30). Details HERE.

We Need Active Members to Volunteer (or be Nominated) to the Board of Directors for 2023

It’s time for our annual nominations for board members and officers.  The main obligation is 4 quarterly Zoom board meetings.  To be blunt, we need fresh blood. It would be great if we could have new active board members that participate in one of our several club sponsored ride groups.  These groups are:

  • Team Decaf night
  • Cecil Tuesday night
  • Sweetwater Bike Thursday nights
  • Pittsburgh Randonneurs

Particularly you are an active rider and enjoy the club, we welcome you to self-nominate as a board member.  Newer members of the club are especially welcome.  People that want to take the club new directions are welcome.  Please send nominations to [email protected]

Current leadership is keeping the club operating, bust most have been serving for over a decade.  Fresh blood welcome.  Current leadership is:

               President                            Jim Logan

               Vice President                  Sarah Quesen

               Treasurer                            Aldo Gaburri

               Secretary                            Dave Kasparek

               Board Members                Dave Bialosky, Robin Woods, Roger Hartung

Any questions?  Reach out to me or any current officer or board member.

If interested, please join the quarterly Zoom board meeting on Sunday November 6 at 4 PM. Details HERE.

WPA Bike Club: FALL Saturdays

Sweetwater Bikes reports: “We’ve moved our weekly road rides from Thursdays to Saturdays where we’ll attempt to ride outdoors (unless it’s snowing or raining). If the weather is bad, we may move indoors. Like our Thursday night rides, we’ll leave from the shop and ride into either Sewickley or Ambridge about 20-25 miles and return back to the shop. Our October 22nd ride will be in honor of Gary Bywaters, our longtime mechanic, friend and local cycling legend. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 724-266-1111.”. Details HERE.

President’s Report

Our ride schedule in 2021 included 5 weekly rides.  Three of those are sponsored by the club and covered by our ride insurance:

  • Team Decaf Tuesday night
  • Cecil Tuesday night
  • Sweetwater Bike Thursday nights

Two other rides are organized by other organizations  and allow us to cross-post their rides:

  • Woman@Work Monday nights
  • Trek Robinson Sunday mornings

We had a modest number of weekend rides.  Thanks to Sweekwater Bikes for the their monthly rides.  While we do have many members riding on weekends (and with other members), they tend not to post.  President Jim unexpectedly returned to ultracycling for 2021, and he had his own training agenda which didn’t mesh well with club rides.  On 10/11/2022 we have 143 active (paid) members.

On short notice at the end of 2021, we needed to quickly migrate to a new website, as mycycle.club was shutting down.  President Jim implemented a new WordPress based website.

At the  end of 2020 and early in 2021, a special committee of the current leadership and past presidents came up with a plan for an orderly disbursement of club assets should we lack leadership or membership to continue to the club. As President Jim explained to the officers, at this point this is a contingency.  President Jim is willing to continue on as-is.  However, he doesn’t want to “wait until there is no one left to play”, and someone is left holding the bag and finger-pointing ensues.  We have a plan that good for perhaps the next 5 years.

In this age of social media, Slack, and such, why have a club?  For organizational geeks our club has:

  • A Pennsylvania nonprofit charter and recognized by the IRS as a 501c7 (membership club).  This means that money can flow to and from the club, without worry that the IRS will treat it as personal income to anyone.
  • Club ride insurance.  We are in pool of 250 clubs nationwide via the League of American Bicyclists,  While this insurance is insurance of last resort, it give peace of mind to ride leaders if injuries happen.
  • A PayPal account and a checking account
  • A website with the capability of RSVPs and tickets
  • Social media presence and the ability to participate in the greater Pittsburgh cycling community as a well now and respected entity.
  • A few hardy legacy members willing to keep the club going until the next generation of club leadership arrives

Ride with Us!
Western Pennsylvania Bicycle Club (Wheelmen)
[email protected]
See our ride calendar HERE
Contact the club HERE
Join the club HERE

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