Our New Website is Done (enough!) for 2022
Our new website is done (enough) for 2022. We are able to management membership, accept payment, post rides, have a calendar, and so on. If you are experienced with management a WordPress site, consider volunteering to be an admin, so someone other that President Jim and Bob Kerr know how things work.
How do we Post Rides?
A post is coming for that. Honestly, multiple people are figuring it out. Any member can post an event on the main menu under “Resources >> For Ride Leaders >> Post a Ride”. Key tip: When you get toward the bottom of creating a ride, Select “+ RSVP”, not “+Ticket”. And make the RSVP descriptive of your ride.
The Weather Looks Great This Weekend. Go Ride.
The weather looks great this weekend. Go ride! President Jim along with Gary Hite are riding the Road Apple Roubaix in Garrettsville, Ohio on Saturday. Anyone else going?
What’s the Plan for This Year?
Well, the website is done and fully functional. People tend to come out for rides the earliest in April, so we will be careful about posting until then. Any ride leaders that do want to post, great! “We” are switching gears from website creation to the club ride program.
What is One Cool Feature of the New Website?
Once cool feature of the website is that you can subscribe to the club calendar. Looking at the month view of the calendar for example, “Subscribe to Calendar” is on the bottom right under the calendar.

It’s All About Me (President Jim)
First, I think you guys owe me a beer, over this whole new website thing, which I largely did over the holidays. And Bob Kerr should get one too. And Treasurer Al.
Otherwise, President Jim signed up for a bucket list item – London Edinburgh London 2022 – a 1500 km in August. That means he is riding seriously long a lot this spring to get ready. So don’t give him grief if all his rides look long this spring.
Ride with Us!
Western Pennsylvania Bicycle Club (Wheelmen)
[email protected]
See our ride calendar HERE
Contact the club HERE
Join the club HERE