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Rees Ride 5/12/2022

Rees Park 162 McCombs Road, Venetia

Riding out of Rees Park in Peters Township into south central Washington County's Cokeburg (or the suburbs thereof). This will be a moderately paced ride of 13-16mph average with regroupings every 20-30 minutes. Although this will be a no drop ride, please review the route carefully to make sure that you'll be able to complete

Event Series Women@Work MAD Monday Weekly Rides

Women@Work MAD Monday Weekly Rides


Today we will have a pre-season easier ride 15-18 miles for the 1st couple of weeks. After that the rides will be more challenging , you will be expected to KNOW; • The rules of the road • Group ride etiquette • How to climb hills We are still being COVID 19 Savvy, so bring

Weekly Cecil 5/17

Cecil Maintenance Shed 3655 Millers Run Road, McDonald

CANCELLATION INFO: The ride is canceled or postponed due to weather no later than one hour before the start time. Cancellation notification will be posted on this event and also a text message will be sent to those on the Cecil Tuesday night text list. PACE & DISTANCE: medium paced (C+/B) ride of 13 to


Pittsburgh Ride of Silence

Dippy the Dinosaur 4400 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh

A reminder that Pittsburgh's Ride of Silence is this Wednesday. Thanks to Pittsburgh Major Taylor Cycling Club for taking the lead this year.

Pittsburgh Spring 300 km

Pittsburgh Spring 300 km - See https://pittsburghrandonneurs.com/ for more information and to register

Event Series Women@Work MAD Monday Weekly Rides

Women@Work MAD Monday Weekly Rides


Today we will have a pre-season easier ride 15-18 miles for the 1st couple of weeks. After that the rides will be more challenging , you will be expected to KNOW; • The rules of the road • Group ride etiquette • How to climb hills We are still being COVID 19 Savvy, so bring

15th Wheeling Heritage Trail Bicycle Tour

Heritage Port in Wheeling, WV 1201 Water Street, Wheeling, WV

Not a club event. Be sure to sign up on event website. President Jim is planning to ride the 100 km. The Ohio Valley Trail Partners present the 15th Wheeling Heritage Trail Bicycle Tour on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30 at Heritage Port in Wheeling—1201 Water Street, Wheeling, WV 26003. Registration will begin at 7

Team Decaf – Tuesday Night Ride

Tazza D'Oro Cafe 1125 N. Highland Ave, Highland Park, PA, United States

Hello Riders...For Tuesday's (today's) ride, let's head to Riverview Park for the first time this season, Riverview Park Via East Street - 22 miles - 1112 feet. For those of you who use RidewithGPS, you will find this route by searching for it by name or at https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36331387. The Cue sheet is at https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36331387/cue_sheet. Weather

Weekly Cecil May 31

Cecil Maintenance Shed 3655 Millers Run Road, McDonald

CANCELLATION INFO: The ride is canceled or postponed due to weather no later than one hour before the start time. Cancellation notification will be posted on this event and also a text message will be sent to those on the Cecil Tuesday night text list. PACE & DISTANCE: medium paced (C+/B) ride of 13 to
