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President Jim is interested is riding most Saturdays this spring, summer, and fall. What’s more, he wants to do it with other club riders. If he does this all this by himself, several things are clear: Most rides are ultras, and/or they start in Millvale (near his house), or are old club rides he remembers fondly. He needs help.

So please suggest routes or want to ride with the club. Or at least with President Jim. As the year progresses, we will pull rides from this list and post them. Or, if you know a date you want to propose, be bold and post that too. Jim’s planning calendar for his rides is HERE.

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Ride with Us!
Western Pennsylvania Bicycle Club (Wheelmen)
[email protected]
See our ride calendar HERE
Contact the club HERE
Join the club HERE

WPW Logo
If you think the club needs a new logo, thanks for volunteering! Go do it.