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Icycle Bicycle

Outside of REI 412 S 27th St, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The Western PA Wheelmen's annual New Year's Day ride. We start in Southside Works near REI. All are welcome. Meet at South Side Works near REI nominally at 10:45 AM, with the ride leaving at 11 AM. Please arrive early. Exact route and distance depends on weather conditions. Continuing recent tradition, we'll collect a $5

Website Work Check-In Meeting

Zoom Online

Those interested in the evolution of the website are welcome to check in. Besides President Jim, Bob Kerr is coming up to speed and giving President Jim someone to bounce ideas for the website off of. Others welcome. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85649835217?pwd=aWQyWFUrcEJXSWlwL0RJRVRpbmpDUT09 Meeting ID: 856 4983 5217 Passcode: 136150 One tap mobile +19292056099,,85649835217#,,,,*136150# US (New

Membership Zoom – 2022 Calendar Planning & Elections

Zoom Online

All club members are welcome to join rough out what is on our calendar in 2022. To be clear, we stopped planning 2 years ago because of the pandemic. If you want the club to have a riding plan for 2022, please participate. We will also hold our annual elections. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82393062130?pwd=MHRsWitaWkg1ZXpEcGM5a3IrU0tiUT09


Canceled Spring Kickoff -North – Second Try

Cadence Clubhouse, North Park 9999 Kumer Rd, Allison Park, Pennsylvania, United States

Let's NOT try this again. :-) Trek of Robinson is starting their Sunday series this day. Go there if you want to ride roads. Sweetwater Bikes is having their monthly gravel ride on Sunday. Go there if you want to ride gravel.


Rough Diamond Century 2022

Saturday August starting at Point State Park Fountain. Ride with self support at Sheetz in Lower Burrell and Murrysville, as well buying your own lunch in Saltburg, perhaps at the Point Street Tavern.  You should be prepared to navigate on your own.   This is a self-paced and self-directed ride. Our route is similar to past