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53/39 Podcast Zwift Ride

Nick Dom

Ride on Zwift with club member Nick Domachowski and the listener's of his 53/39 Podcast. Be sure to join the conversation on the ride's Discord channel as well.Sign up for the their Zwift rides here: https://www.zwift.com/events/tag/5339. 53/39 is a podcast about cycling for cyclists by non-pro’s. #5339cycling @marquecyclingAmbassadorhttp://linktr.ee/5339 https://www.zwift.com/events/tag/5339

Icycle Bicycle

Outside of REI 412 S 27th St, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The Western PA Wheelmen's annual New Year's Day ride. We start in Southside Works near REI. All are welcome. Meet at South Side Works near REI nominally at 10:45 AM, with the ride leaving at 11 AM. Please arrive early. Exact route and distance depends on weather conditions. Continuing recent tradition, we'll collect a $5

Event Series Zwift – Casual Monday Group Ride

Zwift – Casual Monday Group Ride


This ride is sponsored by "Post Ride Podcast" (formerly 53/39 Podcast) - organized by club members Andrew Hein and Nick Domachowski. Find this ride on Zwift by following this link to Zwift: https://www.zwift.com/events/tag/5339 Be sure to join them on the Discord Chat - Audio Chat https://discord.gg/Ptcev2t3kv

Website Work Check-In Meeting

Zoom Online

Those interested in the evolution of the website are welcome to check in. Besides President Jim, Bob Kerr is coming up to speed and giving President Jim someone to bounce ideas for the website off of. Others welcome. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85649835217?pwd=aWQyWFUrcEJXSWlwL0RJRVRpbmpDUT09 Meeting ID: 856 4983 5217 Passcode: 136150 One tap mobile +19292056099,,85649835217#,,,,*136150# US (New